Wednesday, December 9, 2009

So mad at myself!

I have royally effed myself.


Now, before you jump to conclusions, I will have you know that these were not for me. Not all of them at least.

Here’s the scoop: our public relations firm was recently hired to coordinate the media outreach for the opening of a brand new Krispy Kreme store here in town. So for weeks, we have had doughnuts around the office. I originally did not plan on having a single one, but if you’ve ever had a Krispy Kreme doughnut, I don’t have to tell you that my plan went to hell. A very generous Krispy Kreme owner who insisted on sending PR practitioners home with boxes of goodies every day, didn’t help.

Neither did my lack of planning. With a lack of time lately, I have not had time to go grocery shopping, or cook. Nor do I have room to store healthy food currently since I have not yet tossed the Thanksgiving leftovers (gross – I know). And if I don’t have time to shop, it pretty much goes without saying that I haven’t had time to exercise later. So, this weekend all we had around the house in terms of food was, literally, frozen pizza and Krispy Kreme doughnuts. Naturally, I consumed an astonishing amount of doughnuts – most filled with cream.

Well, after weeks of planning and media events, yesterday was finally the big grand opening. Thank God. But, this was not before I had to load my car up with 100 dozen original glazed doughnuts and venture through a blizzard at 3:30 a.m. delivering these coronary blockages to media outlets throughout town. During this process the conditions became so bad that I had to return to the office rather than Krispy Kreme until it was safe to head back out. Since I hadn’t eaten anything it was hard not to have doughnuts for breakfast. And since I had no idea how long I was going to be trapped in the storm, I thought I’d just go ahead and start preparing for hibernation if it became absolutely necessary.

Today, I am at the point where if I see another doughnut, I am going to throw-up. I now need to do a massive detoxification of some sort (if you have any suggestions) and get back on the bandwagon. Of course, the other challenge facing me this week is finals. And nothing calls for carb-loading more than cramming for tests. So I am trying to resist that temptation.

I don’t plan to weigh myself for quite a while, though I suck at that and always do it anyway. I do feel, however, that this little situation has really encouraged me to stay focused through the rest of the holidays. I officially feel like crap, physically and emotionally, and am reminded as to why I started this whole process in the first place.

And that is the story of this week’s Krispy Kreme debacle.


P.S. I really do want world peace.


  1. I'm looking for a New Year detox too. I'll let you know what I find and keep me in the loop if you find a good one. xoxo


  2. I hit Jolly Pirate Donut over the weekend - I feel your pain. Don't be too hard on yourself - although we pageant gals are intelligent, highly trained and motivated, we all are human. Keep up the good work.


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