Monday, July 5, 2010

Must-Have Monday and an Exciting Announcement

I hope everyone had a wonderful Fourth of July!

The last two weeks have been nothing shy of pure insanity. I have had a lot going on, and I have made some pretty crazy decisions that I’ll share more about later. In the meantime, it’s time to get back on track. And what better day to do so than Must-Have Monday?

Today’s Must-Have is my favorite nail polish in the whole world: Ballet Slippers by Essie!


This shade is the most delightful pink, and it makes your nails look incredibly posh. I love for my nails to look very pale, because, by nature, it makes my skin look a lot less pale. I am not a huge fan of acrylic pageant nails – and in my opinion, they’re so out. In fact – everything acrylic should be out in pageants. Particularly shoes. I digress. But I encourage you to check out this color for classy nails every day of the week and especially for competition. Well manicured nails are always in style.

Now, onto some exciting news. I have decided to start a new feature for the blog.

As we know, I am not the most inspiring role model when it comes to being in shape (although I have lost some poundage over these last two weeks). So, in an effort to motivate myself, and hopefully you as well, I have decided to recognize titleholders who have successfully “become the crown.” These women will share their stories (and their secrets!) on their journeys to the crown. They’ll then be rewarded with a fun button for their own blogs to be recognized for their success in this arena.

Our first honoree will be announced later this week, but I have to tell you she’s absolutely fabulous! She’s a national titleholder with a great story, and I am so excited that she has agreed to accept this honor.

In the meantime, if you have “become the crown” or know someone who has, shoot me an e-mail at I’d love to learn more about your journey!



P.S. I really do want world peace.


  1. Just found your darling blog! I'm an ex-pageant girl too, although I started them when I was a child and stopped at 14. That is one cute pink nail polish!


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