Monday, October 26, 2009

The First 13 – Day 1

I actually started “the plan” today. It went well enough, but I think the first day of anything (school, work, etc.) is challenging. I actually ate pretty healthy today, and throughout the day. I also only indulged in a single cup of coffee this morning. I usually drink several cups, usually with an obscene amount of Coffee-Mate. I actually think Coffee-Mate is part of the reason as to why I’m fat, so I have recently started drinking fat-free and/or sugar free Coffee-Mate. It doesn’t taste nearly as good (which could explain why I only had one cup this morning) and I really don’t know if fat-free or sugar-free Coffee-Mate helps anything in the first place. But what the heck ever, I’m not perfect.

For dinner tonight, I picked my first recipe from Cook Yourself Thin. I made the Eggplant Stacks – which is basically a lasagna made with eggplants rather than noodles. Unfortunately, after assembling the masterpiece, it looked better than it tasted – though I do pride myself on presentation. Still, Mr. Beauty Queen was not thrilled with tonight’s entrée, and suggested that in order for this to work, dinners must include meat. The good news is menus for the rest of the week do include meat. So go meat!

Today was also the first day of Slim in 6. I made it through the whole workout, which was about 25 minutes today, but it was actually pretty challenging. I don’t know if it was because I am so out of shape, or it’s just a more difficult program (because it is, after all, supposed to reshape your body in 36 workouts), but it kicked my butt. It wasn’t nearly as bad as P90X, but it’s going to hurt tomorrow. I do think that I can stick with it though.

I think for the first day, I did better than I thought I would do, but unlike so many things in life, the first step on any “journey of healthy living,” is easier than the 2nd, 3rd, 15th and 90th. I’ve always been someone who can jump on the bandwagon easily, but I tend to fall off just as easy. Hopefully I can do this.

In other news, talk of our state’s preliminary to Mrs. America is starting up on the Voy boards. Voy boards are these insane forums where people bitch, I mean, talk, about every single pageant under the sun. It’s hard to sit back and watch other people get excited about going after your dream. I do want to compete again, very, very badly, but I’m not sure as to why. Nor am I positive that I could get ready in time - state would be next summer. I really want to make sure that I do this for the right reasons, and not just for a pageant, but it is still hard. I know that out of all the married women in my state, I could guarantee that I want the crown the most, but we’ll have to see as to when or if there will ever be a time for it.

But clearly, I have other things to focus on right now.


P.S. I really do want world peace.

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