Saturday, January 1, 2011

Happy 2011!

Happy New Year lovies!

I can't believe I started this blog in 2009. And I can't believe I'm still a fat ass.

Sooo... this leads me to my resolutions for 2011. Are you ready?

1.) Be healthy. By healthy I mean stop stuffing my face with things that aren't good for me just because I'm lazy, or busy, or depressed, or bored. Yeah. That has to stop.

2.) Lose weight. At least 50 pounds. I'll be adding a pound tracker type thing soon. If you have suggestions where I can find one of these, let me know.

3.) Be hot. And I mean super hot. There are a lot of things on the horizon for me this year that require incredible hotness. As of right now, my sorority sisters and I are planning on attending the Kentucky Derby festivities this year, and that is is just not an arena for obesity. Additionally, as I mentioned in my last post, there are several weddings that are coming up in the next coming months, especially one big, important one in the fall. I'm also working on finishing a manuscript for a novel I've been working on, and if the thing is ever published, I will not be seen on the inside of a dust-jacket looking like crap. That's just unacceptable.

There are also some other things coming up this year that rely on being incredibly hot, but I'll talk more about those later on.

And, finally, my last resolution...

4.) Floss more often. I really suck at that sometimes. Okay. Most of the time...

Anyway, what are your 2011 resolutions? What are you hoping to accomplish this year?


P.S. I really do want world peace.

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