Friday, November 6, 2009

'Tis the Season!

Wow, it has been over a week since my last post. Where does the time go? My apologies.

Ah, heck. It’s not like anyone is actually reading this damn thing anyway…

The last week has been pure cane sugar hell. Obviously, getting through Halloween was enough of a battle. After purchasing tons of candy – in bulk – Mr. Beauty Queen and I decided to forego handing it out due to H1N1. I know. We’re extremely lame. But I had to deal with a bunch of candy laying around. After consuming a ton of it, I finally brought the remainder into the office. Of course, now I’m tempted to indulge around 3 p.m. daily, but I’ve been doing better of avoiding it than expected.

Of course, now that Halloween has passed, there are new challenges that have arrived as the holidays approach. Probably the most exciting news is the arrival of Red Cup season at Starbucks. A sucker for the gingerbread latte, I have not been strong enough to pass on these delightful holiday treats. Still, I have managed to cut the normal quantity (5-ish a week in past years) down (only 2 this week). I am also
ordering these little devils with sugar-free syrup, nonfat milk, and holding on the whip. I feel like this minor improvement would be enhanced if I could get myself to switch from grande beverages to tall ones, but I’m just not there yet. Tall cups, as an accessory, just look, well… odd.


Another product that has recently made its way into my life for a limited time only is gingerbread and peppermint mocha Coffee-Mate. Yes. Again, can’t resist them. Unfortunately, these little buggers do not come in a less fattening option, so I am trying to restrict my intake. And actually, today I just had no desire to add any coffee to my gingerbread Coffee-Mate. Instead, I opted to add coffee to my sugar-free Coffee-Mate. I was shocked.


On the workout front, this is where I have really screwed myself this week. I have not exercised (aside from walking around Target and Lowe’s) since Day 2 of Slim in Six. I am such a tool. My life is insanely busy with work, and since I haven’t mentioned it before – graduate school. So finding time to work out is a pain in the first place. This has been complicated by the time change which now is even more discouraging in the evenings. It has occurred to me that if I want to make this work, I will probably need to exercise in the morning. So… I’m trying to figure that part out.

Needless to say, my size has considerably suffered as a result of the past week’s activities. I have to get back on track. My mother, and mother-in-law are both coming into town for Thanksgiving. I need to focus on losing as much weight as possible before they arrive. I am sure the looks on their faces when they see me will be awful, so I am trying to minimize the humiliation as much as possible. Don’t know, realistically, how much progress I’ll make, however.

I did, however, want to say that the low-fat cooking has gone well. Cook Yourself Thin is awesome and I’m loving it. I made the chicken parmesan and “zucchini pasta” the other night and it was quite delish. And filling too. Of course, Mr. Beauty Queen adored it. So, yay!


P.S. I really do want world peace.

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