Thursday, January 21, 2010

I Heart My Snuggie

Admittedly, as a has-been beauty queen, one of my absolute favorite things to do is wear a crown or tiara while doing activities around the house such as laundry, vacuuming, and sitting in my bathtub eating bon-bons. Nothing makes me feel more queenly, except possibly my Snuggie.

Now, I realize that a lot of people think Snuggies (and, if you really want to be different, Slankets) are a little absurd. That’s fine. But I think they’re fabulous. Snuggies are very long and robe-like. Thus, I feel they are very regal. Of course, they can also make you look like Yoda, but to each is her own. I firmly believe however, that everyone – including people who are overweight (like ME… for the time being) – looks sexy in a Snuggie. Well, I guess that’s only true if you like Snuggies, but think about it:

• Snuggies hide muffin top. Even when worn backward, and belted.
• Snuggies make your arms look thinner.
• Snuggies have boat necks, which make your necks look leaner (and depending on how you wear it, can make it look like you only have one chin)
• Snuggies can make you look taller
• Snuggies hide problem areas, and if you’re sitting on the couch, can conceal just how far you are sinking into the cushion.

Obviously, I love my Snuggie. It’s probably my favorite accessory, though I can’t decide if that is trendy or just sad. Few things reaffirm a decision to join Weight Watchers more than selecting a blanket as your favorite fashion accessory. But in all honesty, I actually can feel good about myself when wearing one.

And if I feel this way, I have to wonder if other beauty queens (or wannabe beauty queens) also feel this way about their Snuggies. And that kind of brought on an idea…



The Snuggie Pageant would be hosted on the blog, and would be a free photo pageant where women (and what the hell? Even men) can submit photos of themselves in Snuggies. The most photogenic entry would win a sash and crown courtesy of yours truly.

It could be sparkly, glittery, pageant fun for all sizes.

Are you up for it? Or do you think I am totally off my rocker? Let me know. Post a comment or send me an e-mail at with your feedback!


P.S. I really do want world peace.


  1. I don't own a Snuggie! I think I need one.
    Anyway, I'm not sure on the WW points, but type it into the recipe builder! It's gotta be pretty good with the whole wheat flour and pumpkin because pumpkin has lots of fiber! So I say make them tomorrow! Stay warm! At least you don't live in Iowa...I'm done with the ice storms.


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