Monday, January 4, 2010

Happy 2010!

Happy New Year!

I hope all of you enjoyed the holidays!

Despite overindulging in my mother-in-laws no bake cookies (when in Rome, right?), Mr. Beauty Queen and I really had a great time on vacation. I did not buy a parka, and it really wasn’t that cold there (considering it was Pennsylvania, and December). We really loved spending time with family and relaxing from the hustle and bustle of everyday life. It was nice to have a break.

I mentioned in my last post that I was going to use the vacation to clear my head and to explore why I really want to lose weight. I mean, it should be pretty obvious, but it’s hard sometimes to be motivated without a goal that you’re striving for. That’s why pageants were so great. But since I’m not planning on competing this year (unless there’s some sort of a miracle), I have found another reason to get in shape: children!

Yes, I have come to the conclusion that I would like a little prince or princess soon. I never thought I wanted children, but as I focus more on my family and get older and more stable in my career, I am really starting to want a baby. Now, I don’t think I’ll be having one within the next year or so, but my husband and I are starting to discuss plans for our future family. The fact that we are considering this next chapter in our lives is very exciting, but it does require me to do my part to take steps to improve my health.

The reality is, I don’t want my baby eating fast food, nor do I want to risk health complications based on poor nutrition. It’s so easy to make bad decisions and live with bad eating habits when it’s just the two of us, but if I don’t start putting things in place now for a healthier lifestyle, I am really going to struggle when the time comes to care for a family. Additionally, if I am more fit when I become pregnant, I am told not only will it be better for the baby, but losing the weight after the pregnancy will be a lot easier.

Don’t worry, I have no intention on making this a baby blog. The plan is still to look and feel like a beauty queen. I’m just using a baby – rather than an actual staged pageant event – as the carrot so to speak.

Anyway, I just wanted to share that. I’ll post later on more specifics about the revised plan, and share more about my new year’s resolutions. And later this week, check back for my pre-arrival Top 15 choices for Miss America 2010!


P.S. I really do want world peace.


  1. ME TOO! LOL World Peace so cute. Hope your little prince/princess comes soon. xoxo


  2. No bake cookies are sinful! I make them with my children & just introduced them to my nieces ...

    A wonderful goal to have & with a beautiful end result! :)

  3. I love your reasons. They're my reasons too. It's nice to have the Mrs. Oklahoma pageant coming up to motivate me to hit the gym, but it's the lifestyle change that I'm going for -- for myself and most importantly for the kids Bobby and I will have someday. :) Thank you for sharing this with us! It's so important to have a motivator other than a bikini. :)


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