Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Ballet Class Run-Down

I did it. I went to ballet, and it was absolutely amazing.

I had been looking forward to this for a while, but was also very nervous. I had no idea what to expect. Not in terms of the class per se, but rather the people in it, and their abilities. But once I got there, I realized that everyone was really nice and supportive. It was also inspiring to see so many older (and by older, I mean over 20) dancers, including some who started ballet in their 40s.

Anyway, I totally looked like a fool, and I will admit that being "bigger" is an issue in ballet. My center of gravity has completely changed and my lines don't look as great as they did when I was skinny. But I did get in a great workout. My technique is completely gone, but I'm looking forward to working on it.

I am tired, but not worn out. Rather, I just feel good - very relaxed and conditioned. It's a good tired, a tired that you really only experience after doing something you truly love.

I'm already planning on going to another class on Saturday.

I am sure I'll feel like crap tomorrow, but I did take a bath in some epsom salts and pop an Advil, so hopefully it will be tolerable.

We'll see!


P.S. I really do want world peace.


  1. Good for you for doing that, especially because it's something you've been wanting to do for awhile! I just love taking new classes - I always feel empowered after I take them!

  2. Congratulations! I can totally relate to returning to an activity that one loved and performed in youth. A group of alumni majorettes from my old high school began twirling together last year. By old I mean the oldest one of us went to high school with my mother (1967) and the youngest went to high school with my daughter (2007). We had so much fun and loved the comraderie so much, that we have continued. We will be performing at the homecoming game in October!
    It will get easier and you will be surprised how quickly your body will "remember" proper technique.



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