Tuesday, August 24, 2010

No, I'm NOT Ignoring the Obvious

Did you think I was not going to acknowledge last night's Miss Universe pageant?

Think again.

Yes, Miss Universe happened. Yes, we have a new Miss Universe. Yes, there was controversy with everything from body paints to Miss USA not making the cut (can't say I was surprised), Do I care about any of this? Not really.

I have a confession, Miss Universe is my least favorite pageant to watch. I don't really know why, but ever since Brooke Lee passed her crown on, it hasn't appealed to me much. Needless to say, I opted to watch Bachelor Pad over Miss Universe.

There are a few parts I did watch, however:

A.) Parade of Nations - Probably the most interesting part of the pageant. I LOVE watching each country introduce herself in her national costume. It's amazing to see the detail and the thought that goes into each ensamble. I was slightly disappointed in the USA's costume. Traditionally, the reigning Miss USA picks something that represents the US, but also her home state. While there IS an Eagle, Michigan, I failed to see the connection. If there was supposed to be one. But yeah, I thought coming out as a Bald Eagle as Miss USA is about as original as appearing as the Statue of Liberty.

B.) The Call - I love watching this part because I like to make predictions. I didn't post my predictions yesterday because I forgot, but I did make some guesses during the parade of states. Ireland was a clear stand out from the beginning. Of course, I was shocked that USA didn't get the call. I do think Miss USA is lackluster this year, so for that reason I wasn't shocked. But I was more shocked over the fact that Donald Trump and his staff hand select some of the contestants for the finals, and she wasn't chosen. HER BOSS DIDN'T PICK HER. That's just weird to me.

And no Venezuela? What. Was. Up. With. That?

Anywho, I had a feeling USA would be called last if she was going to be called. In most Trump pageants when the home state/country girl is called (and they usually are), she's usually called last in order to get the loudest applause and really give a shout out for the hospitality. However, Philippines got that last spot. It sounds like she was a standout from the first days of the competition and that she was in the finals regardless, but I bet you anything they switched the order so she was called last because of the tragedy in her home country yesterday. The one who is called last usually gets a lot of support. Watch next time, you'll catch it.

Anyway, at this point, it became obvious that Miss Oklahoma has no shot of becoming Miss USA. That, was upsetting.

C.) Fast foward to evening gown. When Mexico came out, Mr. Beauty Queen announced that she was the winner. He always does that. Every single time. So annoying. I checked on Twitter (yes, I'm a cheater) and sure enough. Shocking. I did love her dress though.

D.) Final answers and crowning: Final answers for international pageants are always interesting, because of translation issues and also just the simple fact of the diversity in backgrounds and cultures for the contestants. So I take this competition with a grain of salt. The answers for the most part were great though, this is also when it became clear - to me at least - that Mexico had it in the bag.

Side note: Can you all please, PLEASE stop thanking the city before you answer? Who started that crap anyway? Just cut to the chase.

Anyway, the crowning went off without a hitch and bam, we have a new Miss Universe.


P.S. I really do want world peace.

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