Monday, August 23, 2010


Guess what I'm doing this Wednesday?

Here's a hint:


Yes! I am going to a ballet class! I am so excited, I can barely contain myself. I feel like a sugared-up kiddo before the first day of kindergarten.

I danced throughout high school. Like, A LOT. I took 3 hours of classes during the day (my school had a performing arts academy) and then 2 more 3 times a week after class since I was on the dance team. So, that was a lot of aerobic activity every day. I was never incredibly good at it, but I loved it, and it made me very joyous. Not to mention, a size 2.

I gave it up when I got to college because - and yes, this is humiliating - the only class I was eligible for as a freshman was at 8:00 a.m. and clearly, that was just not going to happen. Especially hung-over. No way in hell.

After quitting my job earlier this summer, I really gained a lot of perspective about a lot of things, and it allowed me to priorotize. I refuse to make excuses for not pursuing happiness. So while I started to think about something fun to do, to help me get in shape (and increase excitement about it) and to meet new people (since my partner in crime just moved to Illinois), and allow me to truly enjoy life to the fullest, ballet just seemed like the perfect answer. (Side note: This could all be related to the fact that during my unemployment, I watched "Center State" at least 12 times).

So anyway, I have decided that it's time to start making time to continue to follow my heart. Ballet is the first step for right now. Once I get more settled into my job I'd like to dedicate more time to writing and to helping Mr. Beauty Queen with his new business. But for now, I have something to look forward to that is all about me.

After a while I'll return to business school and finish my MBA, and I'll do another pageant. But today, if I something were to happen to me on the way home from work the regrets I would have would be:

A.) Not spending enough time with my family
B.) Not finishing the novel that's been in my head, developing and growing for 5 years, and
C.) Not dancing for at least a few minutes every single day.

That is going to change.

I'll let you know how it goes.

Have a fabulous week!

Photo by Ollie Crayfoord


P.S. I really do want world peace.

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